Monday, September 3, 2012

Signs and Wonders (Alix Ohlin)

This is the second short stories book I've read in a row and it's been a delicious treat. These snack sized bits to burrow into without the commitment of an entire novel. Of course I'm reading a novel right along side the stories so as to round out nutritionally.

Aliz Ohlin has managed to captivate me. It's as if I'm reading a whole story but in 10-15 pages or so. She has drawn characters, male and female and set the tone and various histories and situations that are so captivating and real yet as simpistic as they sound, each of them, they are wholly complex and diverse just like life.

There are 16 in all and I could go through and describe each one (I won't, you'll just have to pony up and read it) but I will say that some leave you a little forlorn, a little wanting for more and a little questioning. Ohlin takes life and turns it slightly on end therefore you might even be like, "what?" when the ending comes because it's there is no real ending, just little scenes of life involving relationships. children, divorces, blended familes, the city, a cruise and general sh*t that happens and how you deal with it.

Totally recommend this treat from a gifted story teller. I've gone from Don't do short stories to fully appreciating the form when done by the right writer.

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